
A flex layout container for alignment.
Importimport{ Flex }from"antd";
Versionsupported since 5.10.0

When To Use

  • Good for setting spacing between elements.
  • Suitable for setting various horizontal and vertical alignments.

Difference with Space component

  • Space is used to set the spacing between inline elements. It will add a wrapper element for each child element for inline alignment. Suitable for equidistant arrangement of multiple child elements in rows and columns.
  • Flex is used to set the layout of block-level elements. It does not add a wrapper element. Suitable for layout of child elements in vertical or horizontal direction, and provides more flexibility and control.


The basic usage.

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Select justify :

Select align :

Set align.

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Set the gap between elements, which has three preset sizes: small, middle, large, You can also customize the gap size.

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Auto wrap line.

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Nesting can achieve more complex layouts.

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This component is available since antd@5.10.0. The default behavior of Flex in horizontal mode is to align upward, In vertical mode, aligns the stretch, You can adjust this via properties.

Common props ref:Common props

verticalIs direction of the flex vertical, use flex-direction: columnbooleanfalse
wrapSet whether the element is displayed in a single line or in multiple linesflex-wrap | booleannowrapboolean: 5.17.0
justifySets the alignment of elements in the direction of the main axisjustify-contentnormal
alignSets the alignment of elements in the direction of the cross axisalign-itemsnormal
flexflex CSS shorthand propertiesflexnormal
gapSets the gap between gridssmall | middle | large | string | number-
componentcustom element typeReact.ComponentTypediv

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